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P-38 National Assn.
PO Box 6453
March ARB, CA 92518

We've received some great feedback from our Members and visitors! Here are a few of their comments:

Want to say what a terrific job you have done in setting up the website.  It's outstanding!! As a Charter member and a former P-38 Pilot in the Southwest Pacific, I am proud to be a member and see the interest the younger generation is taking to keep the memory of a spectaculasr aircraft alive (as well as stories of the "old birds" who flew them!). 

- Clayton A. Johnson
 Lt. Col. USAF Ret (Charter Member)

Fantastic newsletter this month. I am spending a fair bit of time going through the pictures. Brilliant collection.

- Barry -Margaret Harth


"The website truly has to be seen to be appreciated. Beautifully designed and comprehensive..." 

- Steve Blake
(Editor, "Lightning Strikes" magazine)

"Just great to have access to such a publication (NOTE: He's referring to "Lighting Strikes," our membership publication). The Lightning has always held a special place with me."

-Ed Rothermund (Member)

"Tremendous job with the website"

- Bob Waggoner (Member)
P-38 Pilot

"A fabulous job on the p38 website!"

- Warren "Bruck" Bruskrud
(Life Member)

"I think your site is excellent."

- Lee Leonard

"Top marks to the P38 website!!!!"

- Dick Willsie (Life Member)
P-38 Pilot

"Congratulations on an excellent job of setting up this web!"

- Hal Baugh

Greetings, I am a new member, great organization and web site!

- Capt. Allen Hamilton

"Enjoyed your Web Site."

- William D, Gatling

"Great site, very informative."

- Jim Corbitt
(Fan & Member)

"Website looks great!"

- Terry Gordon (Fan)

"Love it!"

- Wayne Williams
(Long-time member, fan)

"I have been a member ever since Joe Kuhn was the Editor. I'm proud to still be a member. You've got a great website."

- Bob Blaschke
Col. USAF (Ret)

"I'm an ole [81] p38 jockey from '42. Still enjoy your Website; think it is great. Know it takes a lot of effort and know how on your part. Just a big THANKS!!!"

- M.P. 'Dutch' Owens
Major USAAF (Ret.)

"Enjoyed your website; keep up the good work."

- Don Morberg

"Infantrymen.Net has reviewed your site and found it to be one of the top military sites on the web! To let others know how great we think your site is feel free to display your Site Award Anywhere you wish!"

A great website that gets better with each revision! It has real class, and yet it is extremely user friendly with logical links.

-Roger Naylor

A pat on the back to all of us for this site, especially Kelly and Steve Blake (special kudos to Kelly for effort and quality of the site. What would we do without her?)

-John Stanaway
(Author and P-38 Historian)

"Just a quick note to congratulate you all for the great job you're doing in maintaining the new web-site and for earning the recently received "DISTINGUISHED SITE AWARD."

Your efforts are enjoyed and appreciated by many -- keep up the good work!!!!!!"

- Will Hattendorf
(Past President, 82nd Ftr Grp Assn.)


I spent about two hours on your site last night and can't compliment you folks enough. What a great site! I particularly enjoyed reviewing several of the old newsletters and seeing a bunch of the videos of Glacier Girl, Red Bull, and other P‑38s. The seven-minute video with a P-38 flying with a Corsair, a P-40, and what looks like a Hellcat, and later with an A-10 Warthog is absolutely KILLER ! I also really enjoyed the Columbia, Mo airshow video- first for Glacier Girl because you can HEAR those wonderful engines!

- Craig DeGraff

"Congratulations on a great site! Your efforts to honor, serve and inform the military community are commendable.

This is indeed an aircraft worth remembering. One of our founders was a P-38 aviator and this is close to his heart. Again, congratulations on a great website."

- Anne Dwane & The Team

Military.com loves our site!



We've proudly received the following awards for our website:


Read their kind words
about us above!