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P-38 Variations

The P‑38 had several variations which made it all the more versatile for use in combat.  In addition to being able to switch out the tanks on the bottom (large fuel tanks for long-range missions OR 500-lb bombs over shorter distances), special P‑38s were built:

"Photo Joes" were gigantic flying cameras, used to take pre-mission target and surveillance photos.

"Night Fighters" (AKA "Night Lightning") guns had special blast shields on the muzzles to prevent blinding the pilots when they were fired.

"Droopsnoots" were converted P‑38Js with a complete bombardier's station located in the nose

"Pathfinders" had special ground-mapping radar.





Nightfighter P‑38s (P‑38M)

The P‑38M, known as the "Night Fighter," (or Night Lightning) were modified P‑38Ls which were equipped with a state-of-the-art radar system, (an AN/APS-4 AI radar pod mounted under the nose on a modified bomb pylon).

This model of the P‑38 was painted jet black and had flash guards on the armament to better hide in the night sky.

The radar equipment was operated by a guy crammed in behind the pilot under the bubble canopy. Due to the limited quarters in the rear of the cockpit, really big guys were not the preferred operators for the radar.

To see a "Night Fighter" model, click here (or if you prefer to go all in, try this model instead -- this model goes in and out of stock).