Lockheed P-38 Lightning
The Plane that Changed the Course of History!
Quite a bold statement, true. But as you visit this website dedicated to the P‑38 Lockheed Lightning, I'm pretty sure you'll agree that we never would have won WWII without the help of this extraordinary aircraft.
Contrary to what some think, the P‑38 was not just a fighter, although it was the fighter of choice for many pilots, including the top American "Aces" of the war. But, the P‑38 was so versatile it could also be a bomber (carrying high explosive and incendiary bomb loads), a photo reconnaissance plane and a state-of-the-art radar escort.
There's very little it couldn't do. It flew at amazing speed and altitude for its time, faster and higher than any other.
The sight of a P‑38 Lockheed Lightning so terrified the enemy that the Luftwaffe dubbed it the "der gabelschwanz-teufel" (fork-tailed devil). Guess they knew there'd be hell to pay if a P‑38 crossed their path!
More about the 38's versatility later, but let's start at the beginning...
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On the ground or in the air, there were (and are!) a lot of people involved in the creation, production and use of the P‑38. From the designers to the production line personnel to the men and women who flew and maintained them. They laid the groundwork for the airworthy Lightnings still in the air today. Check out this section of our website to find out more.
P-38 A Personal Story
Excellent documentary. It includes extensive interviews with test pilot Tony LeVier and several pilots, including Dick Willsie (of the Romanian Rescue Mission).

is that I get to do this:
Dedicated to my Dad,
P‑38 pilot Edwin C. Baquet