Thank You All!
We’d like to thank the following folks for their help in building this website. Without them, it wouldn’t exist. They are listed in no particular order, just as I thought of them. Some of the contributors have since passed away, but it doesn’t make their contributions any less valuable. In my opinion, it makes them more valuable!
If I’ve forgotten anyone, I apologize. Please be sure to let me know so I can add your name.

Thanks to Thomas Guettler for giving us permission to reprint some of his graphics on our site. Thanks to Lee Northrop for providing the extraordinary classic photos of the P‑38, a real piece of history! Thanks to each of the Board members who sent in their wartime photos for inclusion on the “About Us” page of the site.

Thanks to “Lightning Strikes” Editor, Steve Blake (pictured), for his ongoing contributions of material for this site. Individual thanks are given to Members and website contributors on the pages for which they’ve donated content.
Steve has also been elected Membership Director and is one of our valued Historians along with John Stanaway, so Steve is the go-to guy now on many levels! Like John, Steve is also a published author. You can find his book here.

All the information provided in this section of the site has been provided and verified by John Stanaway, long-time P‑38 Association member, and author of the many books on vintage aircraft, many of which can be found on the John Stanaway page of this site.

Thanks to P‑38 Association member, Art Heiden, “Lightning Strikes” editor, Steve Blake, Association Chairman, Dick Willsie, AVWeb, website visitor, Michael Bell, and Ladd Gardner for all their help, photos and updates on this crash.

Thanks to the Stevens family for these great bits of humor about our favorite flying machine.
Thanks also to all those people who have contributed to the financial support of this website. You can find their names on the Donations page!

Thanks most of all to my Dad, Ed Baquet (pictured), for helping to bring this site into existence. It was a great idea and has proven to be a very successful venture. None of it would have happened without his perseverance and support.

To clear up some of the questions I get asked…
- I was named after Kelly AFB in San Antonio, not Kelly Johnson (designer of the P‑38)
- My last name is pronounced “Cal-shime”
- I was an entertainment industry executive for a good deal of my adult life, most recently with MGM studios.
- I taught myself HTML and web design…which I’m improving day by day as we go along.
I’m tickled pink that you are all enjoying the site so much, and thanks for all or your positive feedback!
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P-38's Place in History...
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If you prefer to mail in a donation by check or money order, please make your payment payable to:
P‑38 National Association
21392 Palomar Street, Unit 56
Wildomar, CA 92595-5004
Once we receive your donation, we will be notified and add your name to our donors page.
If you wish to make a donation in honor of someone or in memory of them, you can provide us the "Name of Honoree" instead.
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