
Helping to Keep Alive the Memory of the P-38 Lightning

Everyone whose name is inscribed here is a supporter of this website and our mission. We are an all-volunteer operation and are able to thrive only with the help of people like you. Any donation is appreciated.

We thank everyone listed for helping to support our efforts to keep alive the memory of the P‑38 Lockheed Lightning and the men and women who knew her so well!

If you’ve made a donation, but do not see your name here, please let us know!


Donated $500 or more


Donated $100 to $500


Donated less than $100


We do not receive financial support from the USAF, Lockheed or the U.S. government and are supported entirely by people like you! All donations made to the P‑38 National Association are used entirely in support of our mission to keep alive the memory of this classic airplane from WWII. Since we are a non‑profit, veterans organization, please check with your accountant, as your donation to us may very well be considered as a tax deduction.

Thanks again for your help!

Gold Donors

474th FG Association
Multiple donations, including for Museum COVID Support
Joan Allmaras
In Memory of Dave Toomey
Ed Baquet
Multiple Donations
George Brown
In memory of Lois Carlton
Warren R. Bruskrud
In memory of Ed Baquet
Candice Burroughs and family
In memory of Archie Jackson
Richard Butler
Multiple Donations, including
in support of Museum remodel, Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Millard “Coffee” Coffman
John V. Croul
Sandra Davis
Dayle DeBry
Multiple Donations, including in support of Museum remodel, Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Chuck Glass
In memory of Juanita L. Glass and Burl E. Glass, Jr.
Stephen Gunder
Multiple Donations, including Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Jeanney Scott Horn
In memory of Capt. Steve “Scotty” Scott and Lt. Col. John S. Blyth and Multiple other donations, including Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund 

Sally Hyatt-Kearney
Multiple Donations In memory of Thomas E. Kearney)
Kerry Ingerson
Multiple Donations, including Museum COVID Support and In memory of Robert D. Ingerson
Michael Jackson and Family
In memory of Archie Jackson
Charles Kamphausen, Jr.
In memory of Charles Kamphausen and Legal Defense Fund
Don & Anne Kress
Eric Kroesche
In memory of John Slack
Nancy Walters McCarty
In memory of Stanley Walters
Robert McGregor
Legal Defense Fund
Robert Messenger
Dorothy Messinger
Nash Entertainment
In memory of Bert Shepard
Jack “Fox” Olson
In memory of Ed Baquet
Joe Onesty
Multiple Donations
Raymond Opezzo
Legal Defense Fund
John W. Paul III
In memory of his father, John W. Paul, Jr.
Robert E. Perry
In Memory of Bruce Bauer and Legal Defense Fund
Stephen Rodolf
Multiple Donations In memory of John H. Rodolf and Ed Maloney

Ed Rothermund
In memory of all P‑38 Pilots
Gerald Runyan
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Tony Salotti
In memory of Ed Baquet
Also made an automatic monthly donation
Ann Showan-Slade
In memory of Peter M. Showan and Legal Defense  Fund
Ron & Marilyn Smith
Multiple Donations including the Museum COVID Support, and Legal Defense Fund
Rod Stevens
Harry & Alice Stillman Family Foundation
Sunnyside Corporation
In memory of Bob Carlton
Patrick L. Swift
In memory of Audrey Swift, wife of Kenneth Swift
Lute (L.C.) Thompson
Multiple Donations
James R. Tyler
Multiple Donations in honor of Joe Onesty (P‑38 pilot), long‑time Director of Docents and good friend to Jim. Also for P‑38 Museum Remodel.
Robert C. Waggoner
Multiple Donations
Cindy Ward
In memory of Lew Roberts
Dick Willsie
Stan Wright
In Memory of Capt. Maxwell Wright

Silver Donors

John Adams
In Memory of Col. Robert H. Adams
Lynne Bachover-Barz
Kevin Baquet
In Memory of Ed Baquet
Gerald Baron
Museum COVID Support
John Barrett
Multiple Donations including Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Rick Barrett
Ray Bell
Ben Bennett
Museum COVID Support
Thomas A Braun
Multiple donations, most recent in support of Museum remodel and Museum COVID Support
Robert Brens
Ned and Kathy Brown
In Honor of James R. Tyler (P‑38) pilot, on his 96th birthday
Kim Bryden
Candice Burroughs
Robert Carlton
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Nancy Carlton

Legal Defense Fund
Elizabeth & Jim Chase
Legal Defense Fund
Lynn Clark
Multiple Donations including Museum COVID Support
Conceptrix LLC
Maj. Gary W. Cortner
Multiple Donations In memory of Warren J. Cortner
Martin V Covington
Multiple Donations
Robert & Ann Cunningham
In Memory of Stan Ordway
Myron Day
In Memory of Rodger Ward
John, Amy, Beth & Tyler Deardorff
In Honor of Jim Tyler
Luella M. Demers
In support of Museum Remodel and Legal Defense Fund

John F. Durant
In Memory of Bruce Bauer
Judy & Jim Eide
In Honor of Jim Tyler
Gil English
Daniel Flatley
In Memory of Robert Flatley and Legal Defense Fund
Eileen Fong
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund

The Fong Family
In Memory of Robert Shoemaker
Kelly Fontana
Museum COVID Support
Helen A. Fowkes
M/M John Garbett
In Memory of Lois Carlton
Bill & Grace Garrett
In Honor of Jim Tyler’s 96th Birthday!
Russell Gates
In Memory of Neil V. Gates
Gregory Geeting
Legal Defense Fund
Leonard Gold
Carter Greene
Multiple Donations, including for Museum remodel and Museum COVID support
David Grisham
Museum COVID Support

Amy and Fredrick Guster
In Memory of Archie Jackson
Eugene W. Hague
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Watt G. Hill, Jr.
in support of 2013 POF air show
Bruce R. Hoener
Mr. & Mrs. James Ihlenfeldt
Multiple Donations, including one for the P‑38 Museum remodel
James J. Irby
Multiple Donations
Donald W. Iwers

Legal Deefense Fund
Drew Jackson
In Memory of Archie Jackson
Ed Jasper
Multiple Donations including one for the P-38 Museum remodel
William Bruce Kenney
Legal Defense Fund

Legal Defense Fund
Steven Lacey

John R. Lapsansky
In memory of Everett Price
Dain Leadmon
Legal Defense Fund
Jean Leal
In memory of Bob Carlton
Bruce Loewenberg

Legal Defense Fund
San Martin
Multiple Donations, In memory of Merle Trumbull and for Museum COVID Support)
Michael Mason
In honor of his Mother, Florence Botkin Mason, Lockheed worker, on her 101st birthday
Joseph McGrath
Museum COVID Support
Kevin McKinnie
Legal Defense Fund

Chris Mefferd
Museum COVID Support
Paul R. Meier
Museum COVID Support
Douglas Meyer
Legal Defense Fund
Keith Miller
Pat Millicano
In memory of Albert Campbell Sr.
Edward Neffinger
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund (Multiple Donations)
Robert H. Nishimura
Multiple Donations
Robert O’Connell
Multiple, including Legal Defense Fund
Tim O’Connell
Toni Olson
In Memory of Ed Baquet, Dick Willsie and Bob Carlton
Elmer A. Omohundro Jr.
Multiple donations
Joe and Judy Onesty

In Memory of Stan Jones
Stephen Parker
In Honor of his father, Robert F. Parke, (P‑38 pilot) and Legal Defense Fund
Lynn Persinger
In Memory of Archie Jackson
Kenneth W. Peters

Legal Defense Fund
Michael Petruski
In Honor of Cpl. Elizabeth Bodnarik, P-38 Mechanic
CSM Steven & Lynda Ponsi
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund

Robert Post

Seymour Prell
Multiple Donations
Max Pyles
R.A. Rankin
Francis R. Rayner
Kyle L. Riddle
In Memory of Brig. General Kyle L. Riddle
Michael Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Roos
Robert Scherner
In Memory of Bob Carrethers
E.D. “Bo”Shaw
Multiple Donations. including the Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund

Chuck Shallenberger
Stephen B. Shoemaker
Multiple Donations. In Memory of Robert Shoemaker
Thomas Simms
Dorothy Skidmore
Museum COVID Support, Maryann Ramshorn birthday and Legal Defense Fund.
David Skilling
Legal Defense Fund
Stan Slutz
Col. Francis M. Small, Jr.
Multiple Donations. including the Museum COVID Support
M/M Jack Smith
In memory of Ron Smith
James Stanhope
Dave Steiner
Nancy E. Stone
In memory of Ron Smith
Francis Stouter
Patrick Swift
Douglas Taylor
Sharon (Estill) Taylor
In Honor of her father, Shannon Estill (P‑38 pilot KIA) and Multiple Donations, including the Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tregellas
In Memory of Stan Ordway
Victoria B. Tucker
In Memory of Bruce Bauer
William van de Sandt
Multiple Donations, including Museum COVID Support
Kristi Vaught
In honor of CAF Col Joseph Russell Vaught and SSG William Russell Vaught
Wilhelmus Veltman
Philippe Vergne
Multiple Donations In Memory of Ray K. Hine
Herman A. Waggener
Multiple Donations In Memory of Warren Cortner
Robert Wescott
Museum COVID Support
Victoria Williams
In Memory of Lenora Albericci
Robin & Avery Willis
Multiple Donations. including Museum COVID Support and In Memory of Gene Hickok
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wood

Copper Donors

Janet Alachniewicz
Helen V. Airey

In memory of Stan Ordway
George Alachniewicz
In support of Museum remodel
M/M Kenith M. Allen
In memory of Ron Smith
Robert M. Andraski
Bill Avant
Lillian Ayars
Multiple donations
Legal Defense Fund
Peter S. Barnes
Lynne Bachover-Barz
Fred Bailey
Brian Baird
In Memory of George W. Baird
Barry Bartlett
Michael Bates
Museum COVID Support
Carl Baumeister
Mike Bates
Museum COVID Support
Frank Beagan
Boeing Medical Department
In memory of John Bainer
Kenneth Brammer
John E. Bramwell
Gary Bregant
Donald Brown
Museum COVID Support
Janice Brown

Legal Defense Fund
Bob & Lois Carlton
In memory of Ed Baquet
Jim Carlton
In Memory of Bob Carlton
Marvin Carlton
Howard Channell
Ken Chapin
Sean Chapman
Multiple donations

In memory of Lefty Gardner
Tom Cheek
Walter Conner
In memory of Lois Carlton
John Coppage
Daniel Crooks
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
Mary Ellen Crowder
In memory of Stan Ordway
Alfred & Barbara Cryer
M/M Mitchell Cwiek
Robert Daniel
Museum COVID Support
Edith Dashnau
Mary Deckert
In memory of Harlan Deckert
Robert Delaney
Joseph E. & Frances Demeules
Multiple Donations, including for Museum COVID Support
E.W. DeWeert
Dr. Bill DeWeese>
Nicholas DiLauro
In Memory of Cornelius M. DiLauro
George Doty
Jeffrey Dunn
In support of Museum remodel
Robert Eidson
Ed Ellenberg
Paul Ellis
Scott Elmore
Museum COVID Support
Roger Enlow
In Memory of T H McArthur
Wesley Estill
Museum COVID Support
Alex Ferrasci
Jeff Feltham
Elaine Foderaro
In Memory of Mary Lou Colbert Neale
Tom and Joan Follis
Mike Fortino
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Garbett
Barrie and Janis Gauthier
Julie Geter
Museum COVID Support
Jim Ghormley
J. Ginsburg
Leonard Gold
M/M Harry Goldsworthy
In memory of Lois Carlton
Grampaw Pettibone Squadron
Freya & Art Grand
Patricia Gray
Legal Defense Fund
Martin Groark
Gregory & Marlene Gurewitz
In Honor of Ron Smith
Jerry Hall
Mr. & Mrs. David Haug
In memory of Dave Toomey
Bob Hawes
Barrett Haynes
M/M Lorn Hendricks
In memory of Lois Carlton
Dan Henry
Stephen Hepler
Museum COVID Support

Don Hill
Museum COVID Support
Louis Hitter
Tally & Sky Hoffman
In memory of Archie Jackson
Laura J. Hole
In memory of Ed Baquet
Hazel M. Hugueley
In memory of Archie Jackson
M/M Gary E. Hunt
In memory of Lois Carlton
Nicholas & Sue Hunt
Don Huntsman
Michael & Valerie Jackson
In memory of Archie Jackson
M/M Donald Johnson
In memory of Lois Carlton
Douglas Johnson
Johnson Family
In memory of Stan Ordway
Roy A. Johnson
In memory of Lois Carlton
Paul Jones
In memory of LT Col John Aloysius Jones Jr USAF
Tom Kearney
James Keenan
Bob Kelly
Walter H.. Kieseling,Jr.
Amy Fowkes
Steve Krick
Roland Kuhleman
Wayne Kurtz
Terry LaClair
Museum COVID Support
Monroe Lair
Sean Larabee
Museum COVID Support
Laura Lawson
Christopher LeFave
In memory of Stan Ordway
Rita Levine
Aileen Lim
In memory of Ed Baquet
M/M Charles R. Little
In Memory of Jack Starr
Marion Loney
In memory of Stan Ordway
William & Joyce Lorenz
M/M Jon Charles Ludlam
In memory of Ron Smith
Gary & Mary Jane Macha
In memory of Stan Ordway
Ian B. Mackenzie
George M. Magee
Kelly Marble
Museum COVID Support
James McAdory
In Memory of Guy McAdory
Ray McAllister
Jerald McCoy
Rosalie McCoy
Peter McDonough
Daniel G. McGrew
Dr. Charles E. Merkel, Jr.
Mike Merryman
Museum COVID Support
Ron Michelsen
Bob Miller

Dick Miller
Fred Miller
Mary Mingo & her
Bridge Club
In memory of Joseph Szep
Bill & Genevieve Minkler
In memory of Stan Ordway
Brian Mogel
Robert E. Moritz
Paul Moshay
June Moyer
In Memory of Robert P. Moyer
Agnes J. Mulkey
Richard Murphey
Roger & Jeanne Naylor
In memory of Ed Baquet
Ernie Newman
Craig Nickoloff
John Nichols
kenneth Nielsen
Legal Defense Fund

Robin Nordman
Mike Novak
Andrew Oberta
Ryan O’Brien
In memory of Stan Ordway
Orchid Web Services
Gloria M. Osberg
Robert Parker
Multiple Donations. including for Museum COVID Support
John Parliman
Multiple Donations, including Museum COVID Support
Mary Kay Payn
In memory of Stan Ordway
W. Lee Payne
Ed Penick
In honor of John Foster
Patsy Peters
In memory of Ed Baquet
Michael Phelps
Marjorie Philippe

Richard & Beverly Popko
In memory of Stan Ordway
D. Craig Porter
In memory of Claire D. Porter
and Loren J. Odergard
Craig Porter
Dan Potts
M/M Caryl Prince
In memory of Lois Carlton
James Purifoy
In Memory of Major Robert J. Purifoy
Jan Quigg
David Randall

Bob Rankin
David Reed
Museum COVID Support
Jane Robichaux & Family
In Memory of David “Dave” Toomey
Ross Rockstad
Arnold M. Rosenberg
Jerome Roy
Chauncy & Nancy Rucker
In Memory of Roy King
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rumpf
In memory of Bob Carlton
Anthony Sacco
Susan & Dan Schmitz
In Honor of Jim Tyler
Richard & Shirley Schacht
In memory of Stan Ordway
Bob Scherner
Edward Schwerkolt
John Seferian
Museum COVID Support
Robert Seiwell
Museum COVID Support
Aileen Sevdy
E.D. Shaw, III
Ciara Shearin
In Memory of Horace M. “Johnny” Shearin, Jr.
Sally Shuttleworth
In memory of Ed Baquet
Barbara Siegrist
In memory of Roy Siegrist
Bill Sleeper
Marilyn Smith
Warren K. Smith
Debra Snyder
Rupert T. Sparks, Jr.
Andrew J. Speese
Museum COVID Support and Legal Defense Fund
M/M Lowell Stacy
In memory of Ron Smith
David Steiner
John Sugros
Multiple Donations, including Museum COVID Support
Sunshine Club
In memory of Tanya Martin
Lydia Swearingen
Multiple Donations, including the Museum COVID Support
William Swart
In memory of Stan Ordway
Robert L. Taylor
M/M Charles Teenor
In memory of Ron Smith
Michael Terry
Gene and Anna Belle Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tucci
In memory of Bob Carlton
Ms. Jayne Tyler
In Honor of Jim Tyler’s 96th Birthday!
Jack Turner
Don Uber Family
In memory of Robert “Bob” Flatley
Kenneth Underwood
Museum COVID Support
William Usher
Glenn Van de Sandt
Dick van den Heuvel
Ward Vanderberg
Saly Vaun
Philippe Vergne
In Memory of Ray K. Hine
Al Vidal
Bryan Vieages
Todd Waller
Paul Warman
Ray & Patricia Watje
In memory of Ed Baquet
Vance Watt
Douglas J. Weishar
Ralph Willett
M/M Ed Williams
John Williams
Vernon C. Williamson
Anna M. Willis
Helen Wilson
In memory of Stan Ordway
Harry and Dian Witherspoon
In memory of Arthur E. Amos
Kay & Lewis Wright
In memory of Stan Ordway
Michael Wright
In support of Museum remodel
Scott Wright

Hewitt G. Youtz

Help Preserve the
P-38's Place in History...

Select an amount from the links below, you will be taken to our secure PayPal donation page, where you may use a credit card to make the donation amount of your choosing.

If you prefer to mail in a donation by check or money order, please make your payment payable to:

P‑38 National Association
21392 Palomar Street, Unit 56
Wildomar, CA 92595-5004

Once we receive your donation, we will be notified and add your name to our donors page.

If you wish to make a donation in honor of someone or in memory of them, you can provide us the "Name of Honoree" instead.

Make a Donation:




