Evelyn Sharp (“Sharpie) was one of the original Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) pilots with over 3,000 flight hours logged when she joined. The WAFS (under Nancy Love) were soon merged with the Women’s Flying Training Detachment (under Jacqueline Cochran) to form the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs).
Sharp was the only WASP to die in a P-38. On April 3, 1944 in Cumberland County, PA, the Lightning she was ferrying lost an engine on takeoff and crashed.
She was 24 years old.
Sharpie: The Life Story of Evelyn Sharp
Evelyn Sharp (“Sharpie) was one of the original Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) pilots with over 3,000 flight hours logged when she joined. The WAFS were soon merged with the Women’s Flying Training Detachment to form the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs).
Sharp was the only WASP to die in a P-38. This is her story.
Sky Rider
A young adult quick reader biography of Evelyn Sharp, an adopted girl who overcame asthma and many other problems and learned to fly an airplane as a teenager.
Until her early death in a P‑38 accident in 1944, she flew warplanes across America and Canada so that men could fly them into battle during World War II.