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Surviving P-38’s

Surviving P-38’s

Following are a list of the surviving P‑38s. Clicking on each picture will open a separate window if a larger picture is available. When you are finished looking at the picture, just close the window. This page will remain open. (Make sure your browser is not...

Songs & Poems

Songs & Poems

This section is the music and poems which have been written over the years honoring the P­38. It's pretty amazing when you realize how many there actually are that are dedicated solely to our favorite plane.The following poem was preserved in a journal kept by former...

You Just Might Love the P-38…

You Just Might Love the P-38…

This section is just for the FUN of it.  It includes photos of fun or unusual uses of the P‑38, and is strictly intended for those of us who are a little "over the top" about this classic plane! If you have a "unique" representation of the P-38, please email it to us...