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Check Flight P-38

Have you ever wondered what it sounds like in the cockpit of a Lockheed P‑38 Lightning or what a P‑38 vs. “Zero” dogfight sounded like? Ever wish you could hear the sounds of Lefty Gardner’s P‑38 aerobatic routine just one more time? Wish no longer. You’ll hear all the above (and much more) on this CD. Includes an interview with Lefty Gardner. All digital, and over an hour long.

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P-38 Variation : Nightfighter P-38M

P-38 Variation : Nightfighter P-38M

The P-38 had several variations which made it all the more versatile for use in combat. The Lightning was noted for its powerful firepower in the nose of the plane, but it could also be outfitted with rockets or bombs as part of its armament. In addition to installing...

P-38 Variation : Droop Snoot

P-38 Variation : Droop Snoot

The P-38 had several variations which made it all the more versatile for use in combat. The Lightning was noted for its powerful firepower in the nose of the plane, but it could also be outfitted with rockets or bombs as part of its armament. In addition to installing...

P-38 Variation : Pathfinder

P-38 Variation : Pathfinder

The P-38 had several variations which made it all the more versatile for use in combat. The Lightning was noted for its powerful firepower in the nose of the plane, but it could also be outfitted with rockets or bombs as part of its armament. In addition to installing...